Please join David and Alex in celebrating Cleo’s Life

at a Funeral Service on

TUESDAY May 21, 2024, commencing at 3:30 p.m.

Please gather at Enfield Memorial Park, Clearview

in the Wattle 2 Reflection Room,

part of the new Evergreen Community Precinct.

(enter via Gordon Avenue and Ridgeway Avenue gate)

Map and directions below.

Please wear bright colours.


Please bring a garden bloom

to weave into Cleo’s casket lid.


In lieu of flowers, donations to The Cancer Care Centre would be appreciated.

Donations can be made online using the link provided above.

Envelopes will be available at the service.


CLICK HERE to download Enfield Memorial Park map.

CLICK HERE for Google Maps Location



Message Board

Ami Chor Hwa Cheng -

You will always remain in our heart forever as our little sister with love

Jackie Ooi -

Cleo, you have been an awesome cousin to me. I have nothing but beautiful memories of our childhood and time spent together. I will definitely miss you. Rest in Peace my wonderful cousin Cleo.

Angela Merenda-Stewart -

In loving memory of Cleo, a radiant soul who graced our lives with boundless energy and infectious joy. She was more than a friend to many she was a beacon of light, igniting laughter and warmth wherever she went. Cleo had a rare gift for making everyone feel valued and cherished, leaving an unforgettable mark on each heart she touched. Her vivacity was matched only by her genuine compassion. She had a way of lifting spirits and easing burdens with a simple smile or a heartfelt word. Cleo's presence was a gift, and her absence leaves a void that can never be filled. Cleo you may no longer walk among us, but your spirit lives on in the countless lives you enriched. Her legacy of love, determination, willpower and laughter will continue to inspire us, reminding us to embrace each moment with the same zest for life that she embodied. May we find solace in the memories we shared, and may Cleo's light shine brightly in our hearts forevermore. Rest in peace, dear Cleo, You will be deeply missed, but never forgotten.

Sanny Lim -

May your laughter, love, kindness, and strength live on forever. Goodbye Cleo! It was a pleasure to have known you.

Anthony Spadavecchia and Allen Lau -

We are at a loss for words to express the sadness in our hearts upon hearing of your passing. You were not just a neighbour, but a dear friend whose presence brightened our lives. Your kindness, warmth, and infectious laughter will be deeply missed. Your compassion knew no bounds, and your departure leaves a void that cannot be filled. We take comfort in knowing that your spirit will forever live in the hearts of those you touched. Rest in peace, dear friend.

Jenny Yeoh -


Edmund Teoh -

You will be remembered for your kindness and courageous. Our childhood memories are timeless treasures of the heart. May you rest in peace, Ling!

Sarah Goh -

Dear Cleo, Really cherish the time we spent together when u were in WRPF and NJC. And you hosted us when we went to Adelaide in 1966, and we had good time of catching at my place with WRPF friends ! Love u and miss you ! Rest in peace ! My dear sister!

Selina -

My Dearest Cleo, We love you and never forget 虽然相识10余年,但感觉像认识了一辈子, 你在我心里一直是“善良,博爱,坚强,外加工作狂的天使代言人,这么多年我们都无比幸运有你,并深深感谢你一直用你的爱和坚定,像守护神一样,守护着我们,有你在就无比安心, 我真的不知道下次填表的时候,面对GP这个词,我如何才能下笔 曾经,我好奇的问,你都不会累么?怎么每天待机这么长? 你说:“我还有很多事情没有做,很多计划要完成,很多人需要去帮忙,很多地方想去看看,很多梦想还没实现,很多。。。 都说,来日方长, 可是,来日并不方长,再见,不一定再见 愿天堂永远没有病痛,愿天使在人间的你,在人间完成使命后,回到真正的家,也衷心祈愿,您能多爱自己更多一点[合十] 人有生老三千疾,唯有生死两隔不可及, 从此相逢只随缘,您走好,我们长念。 RIP

P -

Ah Ling Jie Jie, thank you for being there for me in my time of need. I will always remember your kindness, strength and bravery. You have always inspired me. I'm so sorry you didn't get more time. Keep smiling where-ever you are. Forever in our hearts xxx

Luisa Tong -

Words cannot truly express how your love and kindness impacted on my and my family’s life. You will always be my Chor Ling Je Je, and I will truly miss your radiant smile. Thank you for being in my life. Love you always.

Gareth Lee -

Cleo - Your courage, vision and positivity in everything you do are an inspiration to me. Throughout your life, you have certainly made a positive impact to your friends, family and community. Rest in peace my beloved sister.

Ken Teoh -

Dear Aunt Cleo, I will remember all that you have thought me and remember you always. May you rest in peace my beloved auntie Cleo.

Joan O’Boyle -

Thank you for all your wisdom, friendship and kindness Cleo. Such a beautiful soul who helped so many Lots of my love always Joan xxxx

Alex Rong -


Jackie Altamura -

Dearest Cleo Your memories will always remain in my heart. You were an amazing person, you touched so many lives in your precious time you spent on this earth with us all. Rest in peace my beautiful friend Love Jackie and Mick Altamura

Jackie Altamura -

Dearest Cleo, Our hearts are broken on the passing of a beautiful friend. Our memories will live on forever in our hearts Cleo you touch so many hearts of all in the short time you had with us but made such an incredible bond with all . Now an angel in heaven looking over us. Love forever Jackie and Mick Altamura xxx❤️❤️♥️♥️

Srimal -

My darling Cleo you came to us all in our 1st year of uni with your effervescent,playful personality,enjoying every moment that presented itself to you. You are probably the only person I know who could find joy in an orchestra of snoring friends. You were always pure of heart and true to your own values and principles. You loved unconditionally and Dylan and I were blessed to be showered with that love even when you were in so much pain. Thank you for your love, your unwavering friendship and all that you have taught me my darling friend. You said that you would take me with you in my soul and you will always be a part of mine my precious sister. May your journey to Nirvana bring you eternal peace. I will always love you Cleo

Amy Wong -


Lilly Hatzimanolis -

There are no words to describe the void that your passing has left in my heart. You were a true inspiration, and a genuine caring heart has a doctor, but beyond that a depth of friendship that I was so blessed to experience May you Rest In Peace beautiful Cleo. Our deepest condolences to David and Alex

Tash Ching -

My dear cousin, you will be greatly missed. You were a beautiful soul. Kind and loving, and so generous and self-less with your time. You have always gone above and beyond for our family, and I thank you dearly for your love and compassion. Thank you for being there for us over the many many years. You always did a lot for others, not for something in return, but out of the love and goodness in your heart. I am so grateful to have known you, and I know you were a blessing in my life. Sadly, I feel like it's only been in recent years we've gotten to know each other better and I so wish we had more time. The memory of you will be in my heart always, and there will always be a place for David and Alex in my life. Much love always, and God bless. xxx

丁栐汐 -

亲爱的Cleo,你像天上的星星 从远处回望着我们。愿你去向想去的地方 经年后 我们再见面。

Subi Gnanendran -

Dear Cleo, may your beautiful soul rest in peace. I was privileged to work with Cleo at Midwest Health a few years ago. I was a registrar at the time. Cleo was always radiant and full of energy. She would always stop me in the corridor, check in with me and ask me how I was going with exam prep. She always offered to help. She was truly an inspiring woman who brought so much light and joy into any situation. She will be missed dearly. Rest in Peace beautiful Cleo. Praying for Alex and David and all your family during this difficult time. ❤️

Matt Lynch -

I was lucky to have met Cleo and worked with her. Her compassion and kindness, sense of humour, and care of those around her was inspiring. Rest in peace Cleo. ❤️

Amy -

亲爱的Cleo,谨代表刘飞和三个孩子向您致以深切的悼念。自从10年前认识您,您的乐观,善良,博爱深深地影响着我,您对待我们每一个人,特别是我的孩子们,是那么的亲切,在我心里,您就像我们真正的家人。感恩异国他乡让我们遇见了您。 看着您这一年多来,一直被病痛折磨,满心心疼。但是坚强勇敢的您,时常反过来安慰我们,您一直在给我们力量,让我们积极面对生活的的任何困难。 一路走好,我亲爱的家人,永远怀念您!

Pauline Garner -

Doctor, Mentor, Neighbour, Friend, words cannot express my sorrow, taken too soon. Death ends a life, not a relationship ❤️ RIP beautiful lady xxxx

Wenting -


Cheng Chor Joo -

我最亲爱的妹妹,姐姐非常痛心没能陪伴你更久、更久。非常怀念你 。。。 放心的好好安息吧!与爸爸、大姐、哥哥一起在天上相聚。 永远爱你 ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Victor Chua -

Dear Cleo, we did not meet in person since we both finished our A-levels at National Junior College in Singapore to go off to do our medical training on opposite sides of the world. We were brought back much later by technology and by the efforts of fellow student councillor Dr Cow Tan. What a radiant soul you were. Always sharing your family life, your excellent cooking, your energy and zest for life. Even after receiving the most devastating of diagnoses, you would not be depressed and you shone out positivity and hope. What an inspiration you were to all of us. You made the time to reconnect with so many of us including me, privately and with grace and hope. Rest in peace, my sister and friend. Dr Victor Chua, Cambridge, England

Cheng Chor Joo -

我最亲爱的妹妹,姐姐非常痛心没能陪伴你更久、更久。非常怀念你 。。。 放心的好好安息吧!与爸爸、大姐、哥哥一起在天上相聚。 姐姐永远那么的爱你 ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Kelley Russo -

My dearest Cleo, your beautiful soul will live on in David, Alex, and all of us. You were an inspiration to everyone you met. You have left so many footprints on this earth that you will never be forgotten. Until we meet again, rest peacefully my darling one xxxx

David Nemeth -

To my beloved wife Cleo. I cherish the memory of our years together. I will miss you always.

Teoh Bak Tiang -

Ling, may you rest in peace. You are deeply missed.

Chuah Heng Joo -

亲爱的Cleo表姐 愿你一路走好 愿天堂没有病痛 来世我们再做姐弟 Rest in peace.

Jayne Ho -

My dearest Ling ee, Thank you for being my ee ee for the past 27years. Thanks for all your love and care for me. You love me with action and not just words. I'll never forget all the things that you've done for me. You're indeed a brave woman!!! Is time for you to rest now in God's bosom. Till we meet again❤️ We Love you, ee.

Janet Gouw -

Dear Cleo, I shall always remember you for your kindness and compassion for others, how you make everyone feel important, your strength and determination, your sense of humour and most of all your equanimity in the face of adversity. You made every situation and every place better for having you been in it. Rest in peace Cleo. You will always remain in my heart.

Zoe Tan & Michael Taing -

It might be goodbye, but your story lives on. Your love is written on our hearts forever.

Susan Nemeth -

I remember Cleo as very Kind and generous. I am so sorry, David and Alex. Love Susan Nemeth

Mila Inat -

Dear Cleo. It is unbelievable that you have been taken so young and full of life. Even as you faced your own fears you were brave enough and kind enough to prepare your family and us your friends for the ultimate terrible outcome of your illness. Thank you for showing all who knew you how to live as a kind and loving human and how to die with courage and grace. You are loved by so many because you loved so many. You are an inspiration to me and my family and I will always think of you with love. Mila

Vincent Ho -

楚玲小姨,今生当中能碰见妳们是我人生中最大的福气之一,24年前在我要动完手术时,也同时是妳最忙于准备快要去重考医生执照时,(因妳已离开医疗界一段日子)妳与楚华姐离开了澳洲越洋过海的来到吉隆坡照顾我,看到妳在医院为了照顾我,另一面又忙于背书,心里好感动。。。看到楚华姐忙于进出医院为我与楚愉准备食物,大哥楚文每晚过了探访时间,偷偷的溜进医院为我做脚底按摩。。。在我最无奈的时候,妳们在精神上,在金钱上都帮助了我。。。 还记得我们曾经一起旅行,一起欢乐过的日子,记忆犹新。。。 感谢我的天父神让我的人生旅途中能与妳们结缘成为一家人,如今车站到了,妳也下车了。。。 感谢一路

CC Lau -

妳是个最美丽的天使 愿妳在天国无病无虑。

Simon Morley -

We have lost a beautiful soul. Rest in peace Cleo.

Zoe Tan & Michael Taing -

Our family has lost an amazing life. However, the legacy of Cleo will live on forever in our hearts. Rest in Peace.

Nancy -


Jing Lu -


Christina Thane -

Your kindness and infectious laughter will always be remembered. Rest in peace my dear sis!

Debbie Miller -

Cleo, I met you only a few times, but you made such an impression with the joyfulness that you brought. I do however, know how much David loved you and how happy you made him. I am sure that the happy, sweet memories you have created will sustain and warm both he and Alex in the times ahead. Rest well.

阿苏 -

My dearest Cleo , we love you forever ! 您心存大爱,您总是关心和照顾着您周围的每一位、以及所有需要帮助的人;您做每一件事都是尽心尽力尽职地为他人着想......,总而言之,您是世间真善美的表率!感恩在我的生命里遇见您!感恩您为我们所付出的一切!目前您已完成了在这个世界的使命,转生到了一个圆满庄严清净的世界。您没有离开我们,您只是以另一种方式活着!

Isaac Phua -

Dear Cleo, knowing u from your journey to Singapore @ NKC and your time we had @ WRPF and a boat trip to Tioman and how you had brought me and Sarah together. Your contagious laughter and your courage will stay with us. Rest in peace my precious sister Cleo.

Mei -

亲爱的楚寧姐, 四年前的一个缘,把您走进我的世界!您的慈悲,善举让我受宠若惊。您的操心为我先夫操办后事。到今天我无法以笔墨去形容您的恩情!天意弄人,我没想到四年后的我,要这样的情况下准备为您送别。 谢谢您的信任我这微不足道的小人物,付托我为您在后事出一点力。我和您的好姐妹们都会尽我们所能,让您安心去旅行。 如果做得不尽您意,希望您不见怪,您就我梦里跟我噼里啪啦的,好吗? 然后看您对生命的热爱,想到之前我两就是相互鼓励,您的精神,我没有任何借口不好好活下去。我会继续您那小强精神!往后,您我之间的手机对话,就是我对您的思念之情!姐,好好继续修行,放下万愿,一路走好。祈愿佛菩萨慈悲接引她往生极乐净土。 “佛說, 所有的遇見, 都是一種償還。 所有的相遇, 都是冥冥之中的注定, 花開無言,花落無聲, 因為相欠,才會遇見。 親情用濃厚的血緣償還, 愛情用鄭重的婚姻償還, 友情用深厚的友誼償還。 欠的多,陪伴的久, 欠的少,離開的快。 ​阿弥陀佛” 美琴合十 16/05/2024

Yiew Ming -

You will always be in our heart.

Sonia Bianco -

Dear Cleo, you were a reflection of what was truly good about humanity. A selfless person, always fighting for the rights of the marginalised and needy. Thank you for being a beacon in my life and teaching me many things which I will keep with me always. It was an honour to have met and known you along with David, Alex, and your mum. My sincerest condolences to David and Alex. God bless you Cleo you were an amazing person. xxx Sonia Bianco and family.

Walter Gooi -

亲爱的表姐,两天前听到这个坏消息…我和家人们都非常痛心和不舍… 我常觉得上天很不公平,为什么一个这么好的人…就这么快走了,但我们还是要接受这残酷的实事。 我们永远不会忘记妳那甜蜜的笑容和那么真诚的姐姐。。 愿妳这个天使在天上快快乐乐!不再受病痛的煎熬。

Ana Pereira -

Dear David and Alex, my deepest sympathy. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Cleo was an incredible person who inspired all who were honoured to have meet her. I for one will always cherish and remember her quotes and inspiring stories which I hold dear. As she said we were not just patient Doctor, she was my friend /sister. I will never forget our time together and treasure the memories I have of her. The love and kindness she gave unconditionally a truly beautiful soul. Condolences. My thoughts are with you, as you both continue your journey. Ana Pereira My husband and youngest son also want to extend their condolences Nat and Adrian

Meiya Gao and her familyy -

Dear Cleo Thank you so much for your kindness and for being so patient with me and my family all the time. You are a wonderful person/doctor and friend that I ever met. I still remember that you told me you were born with a mission and trying so hard to help so many people. Also, you have been so brave to fight and been so positive all the time and still share your smiling face with us all the time during this horrible period. It's very sad for me and my family to say goodbye. You will be missed, RIP

Beverley -

I remember your love of nature and I know whenever I venture into our garden or gaze at the beautiful sunrises and sunsets, I will be thinking of you and our shared love of the natural world.

Alessandra Francia -

It was truly a privilege to have known you. Your genuine care and kindness left an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to call you a friend. Your unwavering courage and strength were nothing short of inspiring, evoking deep admiration for all who witnessed it. Your absence will be deeply felt, but your legacy of warmth and fortitude will endure. Rest in peace, dear Cleo x

Tracey Dibartolo -

A bright star - you shone so brightly, lighting up every room that you walked into. A heart of gold - always giving so much of yourself to everyone you met. A true treasure - you will live on in so many hearts, never to be forgotten. Dearest Cleo, it's impossible to convey just how truly amazing you are. I remain forever thankful that I had the honour of knowing you. Rest in Peace

Esther Tan (Vincent Ho's mum) -

楚玲(嬣) 医生, 我钦佩巾帼善良的医生,我好痛心你,就此永别了。 愿你灵魂安息。

Leanne O’Callaghan -

Cleo, you made such a huge impact on my life. My heart is breaking for David and Alex . May you rest in peace. You will always be my little pocket rocket and beautiful friend with a big beautiful generous heart. I will miss you my friend until we meet again xxx

Rebecca Teoh -

Dearest Ling Ling 姐姐, It was a real blessing to have had you in our midst. You had this uncanny ability to reach out to people and to lift them up wherever you went….it was as though you were powered to light up not just your own space but the entire village. Your bravery and sunny disposition prevailed even during your darkest days and this strength shall be your legacy that lives on to inspire all whose lives you have touched. May you rest in peace in all eternity. Missing you dearly, The TEOH family

Kenny and Anne Lee -

We will always remember the beautiful angel Cleo. You will forever live on in our hearts

Salwa -

Will never forget you Cleo. I am so privileged that I met you that day at the conference in Sydney. Most beautiful human I have ever known Rest in peace xxxx

Cassandra lee -

阿姨安息 永远不会忘记妳给我的鼓励 愿您在天国做个无病痛的天使 永远怀念您

Julie Acourt -

Our hearts are broken, Cleo was a pure ray of sunshine and she will be missed! Our thoughts are with David & Alex at this sad time. Thinking of you, Love Julie, Kath & Grant Acourt (UK) xx

Danny Yap葉德升 -

敬爱的表姑.您一路走好.永在怀念中 Forever in our hearts

彬彬 -

敬爱的姑姑, 很庆幸我们去年有机会见上一面,您是我相识当中,最勇敢,最伟大的母亲。愿您在天国无病无痛,一路好走。

Sandeep Chopra -

I will always miss Dr Cheng she was my first GP in Australia and always use to advise me as a family member xxxx

Molika keo -

Goodbye my dearest friend and sister, You are my best friend, our connection is so strong. It is lifelong and beyond, even after you passed, the friendship and love that we share have been made to last. You accepted me for who I am and never judged me. We share the laughter and tears, all those moments in times throughout the years, I miss you. My mind know that you are in a better place where there is no pain. You're at peace. I understand that, I just wish I could explain to my heart. There is an empty space in it that nothing will ever fill. I grieve, but I know you won't be able to see, to give me comfort and tell me everything will be alright. We will be together again. Until then, my love will always be with you. Rest in peace my dearest!

Lisa Jones -

Dear Cleo, the day we met we clicked immediately, we laughed and shared many of times debriefing about life in general too. On the 14/2/23 your call sharing your news rocked my world, like many who were fond of you. Your strength and kindness, love for life will live on inside of us forever. You gave us all a gift, of sharing many an hour, days and so on with you. You will always be in our hearts. RIP, my dear, love your dearest friend, Lisa

Yanti and Andy Family -

Dr Cleo I am sorry, sorry I did not get to visit you. I ordered the flowers you like on Mother's Day for you. I was waiting for you to answer my message. I am Sorry Cleo. I Will miss you RIP Dr Cleo, I love you so much ❤️

Kim Lee -

You are always like a big sister to me, looking after me during the times when I needed it most. I will always remember your kindness, the way you were always so full of zest, always thoughtful of others. A kind soul gone too soon. I am blessed to have crossed paths with you in my life. Rest in peace my dear sis, you will always have a place in my heart. Even though my memories of you are happy, you will be sorely missed.

Sandra Gatis -

Cleo my heart is broken I’ll never forget you the first time I met you the laughter we had together you taught me so much never forgotten ???? RIP Cleo my thoughts are with David and Alex and family ♥️♥️

Tammy Lam -

Deeply condolences to David , Alex and Cleo’s families. Gone too soon beautiful Cleo Cheng . The God’s garden now have gain new Angel. May Cleo’s beautiful memories will live amongst us for evermore . And Angel Cleo’s will always there in spirit for David and Alex as always Love & Guidance. Deeply condolences to David and Alex

Bijanka Rajic -

Dearest Cleo I am so grateful that our paths crossed and that we shared a beautiful friendship and sistership. Your positivity, kindness, compassion and love of life, family and all those that came in contact with you, radiated from you at all times. You are a true inspiration and will always be in my heart. ♥️

Vinci -

Cleo謝謝你出現在我生命的某一段路上,謝謝你給我帶來過的朗朗笑聲,我們互相給予過對方溫暖,我們曾真誠、曾熱烈,那就已經足夠,我會永遠記得你曾出現在我的生命裏。 Thank you for coming into my life and giving me joy and warmth, thank you for loving me and receiving my love in return. Thank you for the memories I will cherish forever. Rest in peace Cleo.

Zoe zhang -

We are very lucky to know Cleo and her family. She is always very energetic and caring. We are very sad to lose such good friend. Cleo will be missed by us forever.

Renee Wang -

你是那么善良,那么大爱。像一个不会累的永动机,永远充满活力和能量。喜欢看着你笑,喜欢跟你说话聊天,喜欢每一次的相见和拥抱。你用你的智慧开导我们,引导我们,让我们感受世间的温暖。 一个人的离开,只是肉体。精神不会离开。爱意可以永远存在。 我相信你化作了这世上最温柔的光,依然守护着家人,爱人,依然温暖而明亮! 我们都很爱你。

Peter Roberts -

Cleo was such a beautiful generous person with a joy for living - she cared so much and brought much joy and positivity to many lives

Bruce Chai -


Alan Day -

RIP Cleo you have been a great friend over the years always had a smile and a joke. Will be missed by all who knew you

Cathy Chong -

Dear Cleo, your generosity and big heart in helping others touched so many. Heaven has another angel looking over your loved ones.

Anna Cheung -

亲爱的Cleo, 知道你离开了我们,我的心很疼。夜深人静,翻看老照片和近期的通信记录时,我不禁哽咽。 你告诉我,生命转瞬即逝,不可预测。 你跟我说,一位从事临终关怀工作长达20年的护士撰写了一本书,名为《临终者的五大遗憾》。你问我,想知道有哪些遗憾吗?我说,当然想! 你也分享给我你的遗憾清单,那一种深刻的反省和真情流露,让我更加感慨。你提醒我们适当的把脚步放慢,珍惜生命,拥抱真爱,放下遗憾,活出自我。 Dr Cleo Cheng,我的朋友,我很遗憾,上周末因为出行而未能抓住最后的机会再见你一面。愿你安息。你的生命将永远在我们心中闪耀。千言万语 尽在不言中。


R.I.P. Beautiful Lady, you were a great doctor, R.I.P. no more pain forever in my heart and never forgotten.

小姨一家人 -

亲爱的楚玲, 诉不尽对你的思念, 愿妳一路好走, 在另一个世界一切安好, 我们将永远怀念妳 Cleo, you are an amazing person. Your intelligence, kindness, independence, bravery and strength make you a truly an extraordinary person. Thank you for your unconditional love, concern and caring for us. We sincerely appreciated it. It is so grateful to have you around and even now when you are not, you are still so important to us. You will always remain in our heart. We love you so much.

葉喜香 Hee Heang -

親愛的表妹 一路走好 願你在天堂做個快樂的天使 我們永遠懷念你 RIP

朝成,朝吉,喜鳳,喜珠,天賜 -


pink hong -

Hi Dr Cleo, I came to see you as a patient maybe once or twice when I become a mum at 36. That was 12 years ago now as my twins are now 12. I have been trying with my husband for a while and you are a doctor strongly recommended. I remember being very discouraged after trying for so long and you share your pregnancy journey with me and how hard it was for you to conceive Alex and how it cost you your health. Listening to your pregancy journey showed me that my struggles were not alone. That was the most timely advice at a time which i needed it most And for that i am forever grateful. Our interactions were so short and i learnt more about your life and warm and generous personality through following your facebook than speaking to you in person. Your advice to me which I still remember. The child is not ours to keep but a precious loan from God which we are only to nurture and return. I thank God for you, a wonderful gift to your family, friends and patients. You are a precious loan from Heaven to us and i hope we nurture you enough to fill Up your Soul when we return you to our maker. May you rest in Peace Melissa

Teoh Eng Hong -

親愛的玲玲,愿妳一路好走,妳的離去,使得我們無法接受,此刻的心情,是非筆墨所能形容的,今後只有在回憶中去懷念妳的點點滴滴,妳的仁,堅強,寬容,可愛可親,將是後人的點範,我們都以妳為傲,我親愛的玲妹,安息吧!愿妳早日登上極樂世界!我們永遠永遠都會想著妳,懷念妳。 张永丰

Teoh Buk Khim -


葉朝存 -


Jack YTL叶德龙 -


Juan Xu -

亲爱的Cleo,在阿德莱德这遥远的异国他乡认识了你是我最幸运的事,你的善良、乐观、豁达、坚韧以及一切一切美好的品质永远留在我和家人的心里,感谢你十几年如一日守护我们。愿天堂没有病痛,愿天堂永远光明,rest in peace!

Ah Nai & Ah Kooi -


蔡汉龍 -


Ch'ng Joesuan -

阿玲姑姑: 头一次感到自己的文笔不够好,不能更清晰地表达我的不舍。 在我印象中,你一直是一个充满生机、非常厉害的人。尤记得你曾向我述说你的过去,如何一路披荆斩棘,再努力释怀,靠自己照亮远方的同时,还照亮他人。从此,我对你的理解多了两个词:干净,温暖。你是个心中充满爱的人,无可否认,许多人的世界因你而美丽。 这是我最后的道别了。 谢谢你引导我写字, 谢谢你分享了许多宝贵的经验, 谢谢你来到这世上, 谢谢你成为我的姑姑。 星星亮着,就无法停止想念。愿你安息。

丽诗 -

玲姐姐,感谢妳出现在我们的生命里。妳的善良,开朗,热情,博爱像太阳般照耀着妳身边的每一个人。 虽然妳己经离开,但是妳所留下的温度,将永远温暖我们的内心。❤❤ 祝愿妳了无牵挂, 一路走好,在天国做个无忧无虑的天使。 R.I.P.

Angel -

亲爱的Cleo Cheng姐姐, 我们再有再多的不舍终究还是要和你告别。。。 而你也告别了人世间回主天家当个没有病痛的天使. 你坚韧的信念! 勇敢的面对挑战的态度! 和对待对生命的热情是我们所学习的。 祝福你在充满爱的天国安息。 你没有离开,只是换了另一个方式在我们的心中. LOVE YOU & MISS YOU FOREVER 小舅(已故) 合家 小舅母 表弟- 振业 表妹- 幸莉 同哀。



Henry Sia -

We gather here today to honor and remember Cleo, an exceptional doctor and a cherished friend. Cleo's dedication to healing and unwavering support enriched our lives immensely. Thank you, Cleo, for your compassion and for the moments we shared; you will be deeply missed. Rest in peace, my wonderful friend. Your legacy of kindness and care will continue to inspire us all.

张雨门(Yum Zhang) -


Teoh Buck Chuan, Family -

Dear little sister Cleo, you may be gone, but you will live forever in our memories and in our hearts because you have given us a lifetime of memories filled with laughter, joy, and happiness. May our departed loved ones find peace and well-being in the other world.

Pei Chen -

親愛的Cleo, 我以為今年會在台灣見到妳,和妳一起去花蓮。你也說下個行程就會安排到此.. 我完全沒意料到去年11月的視訊,是多年後第一次也是最後一次的"見面"。 雖如此,但我要说的是,你是我心中永遠的天使。那位愛笑,熱情,關心大家的天使。 感恩我能認識妳。

Vincent Ho -

楚玲小姨子, 24年前是我人生中最难忘的一年,健壮的我突然被宣布要动手术,那时的妳也正在忙于准备去考医生执照。。。 二话不说的妳与楚华姐从澳洲越洋过海的飞来吉隆坡照顾手术后在医院的我,看到妳细心的照顾我,另一方面又爭取时间在背书,楚华姐不断的进进出出医院为我们准备食物。。。楚文兄每晚过了探访时间都偷偷摸摸的溜进医院为的是替我按摩脚底。。。 无伦在精神上,在金钱上,在生理上,妳们都帮助了我不少。 对我而言妳们有如天父神所派来给我的天使群,我们曾经一起旅行,吃大餐,欢乐过,这些对我来说都还是记忆犹新。。。 人生旅途中有妳们陪伴我真好,人生车站到了阿文兄已下车了,如今轮到妳的人生车站也到了,虽然很舍不得妳走,但也无奈要分离丶 只能说感谢天父神让我的人生旅途中一路有妳。。。我会好想念妳叫我姐夫的 三姐夫:Vincent Ho

Karen Koh -

Dear Cleo, you will be missed by so many lives you have touched. Family, friends and the wider community, including countless patients. My deepest condolences to David and Alex. The pain of your loss shows the depth of their love for you. Rest in peace.

Judy Thorpe -

Cleo it was an absolute honour to have know you. I can honestly say you were one of the most beautiful people i ever had the pleasure of meeting. Your smile lit up the room and we will all miss your kind and generous nature. My heart is breaking for you David and Alex and I hope you find strength in knowing our beautiful Cleo will not be far from you ... I know she will be right beside you ... taking care of you both. Sending an abundance of love to all of Cleo's family and friends in this very difficult time.

Rocky(Rahat Ali) -

There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in our hearts. May your soul rest in peace. ( Rocky from Pakistan)

Rocky -

May your soul rest in peace. You were the most person and the light of our life.Rest In peace.may you feel God's grace and mercy, knowing that Alex your mom is now in the loving arms of God! Sending my heartfelt condolences to the family (Rocky) from Pakistan

Joshua Ho -

Candles light up the path for others and warms those around it, But the brighter one burns the faster one must go. So you have been a beacon of light to many in life and have completed your calling. Now you return in peace and love, forever in our hearts.

Dundas & Lynn -

We are lost for words… To our friendly neighbour and beautiful friend. You will be missed and the world will not be the same without you. Thank you for being such an inspirational person. Rest in peace my friend :) Dundas & Lynn

Paul & Miriam Chan -

Dearest Cleo, We are deeply saddened to hear about your passing on May 13th. You are a cherished friend, and your kind spirit and forthrightness will be greatly missed by all who knew you. Your strength and grace during your battle with cancer was an inspiration to us all. We are grateful for the time of catching up when you were in Singapore last November. May the fond memories that we hold dear bring comfort during this difficult time. Rest in peace, dear Cleo. ❤️

Desmond Teo -

Cleo, as I reflected over our friendship, I'm really amazed! Almost 40 yeas of friendship but kind of only met 3 relatively short period of time. Started with 2 years of you and a group of NJC friends joining WRPF in 1984. Then you disappeared to study overseas and settled down in Adelaide. We lose contact totally for almost 30 years till 2013 before I managed to get in touch with you through social media or via someone (can't remember). When we met, straight away we were like good friends who have been together for years. Even with my 0 KB memories, I could still remember so many things about you, what we had done during those teens age years. You warmly invited not just me but my entire family of 6 to go over to Adelaide and stay with you for almost a week! To the extent that my young children at that time can still remember and know aunty Cleo, uncle David and Alex reasonably well years after that 2013 experience. 10 years after that in 2023 when we heard about your sickness, Alison, my 2 boys and I (sadly my 2 girls can't make it) went over to visit you at Adelaide. No regrets that we went over to spend some good times with you. You were so excited to bring us to spend a day in Hahndorf. To the point that you were so exhausted and forget to take your rest every 4 hourly. You kind of knocked out for 2 days because of that. Cleo, you have such great influence in people's life that with just few days of staying with you but parted for years, the warmness and closeness will just click each when we meet. Cleo, you are the only one who have such great warmness, hospitality and influence on a person's life. Will surely miss you. Pray that God will preserve you and I'll see you in heaven.

Sharon Bay -

Our beloved Cleo, Thank you for almost 40 years of amazing friendship. For all the fun times escaping class to go 'study ' at the park , the Valentine day n birthdat parties you organised , the railway trips to meet in Segamat ... the love you showered on my family; from my dad to my children. For the incredible hospitality n delicious food you prepared with so much love. For always inspiring and encouraging us ro be brave and courageous n to live n love with passion. You are so precious n such an inspiration . When we meet again, let's put on your favourite red and gold high heel stilettos n have a party n dance . We love you and your family so much, our beloved friend n sister and aunt. You will always be in our hearts n I will regale Alex with stories of the exploits and adventures of his amazing incredible mummy who loves him to the moon n back. Adieu till we meet again From Sharon n Jonathan Yeo and our girls.

José Wierzbicki -

The time spent together with you recently is a special gift for which I am deeply grateful. Remembering your words.. that you will be wrapping your arms around me, each time I wear the wrap you gave me. Only on this earth for others - may you receive what is yours - everlasting life in the next. With love.

David McInerney -

No words could ever adequately express what you have been for me Cleo. Although you were born less than a week before me and are tiny compared to me for over two decades you have been my big sister, taking care of me and loving me unconditionally, bringing me into your family and making me an uncle to your beautiful son Alex. I thank David for bringing you into my life. I will treasure your memory for the rest of my days and carry you in my heart forever.

Athena Zogopoulos -

Dear Cleo You were so special to so many people. I was so lucky to be your patient, you were so compassionate and treated people with top priority. I then was lucky to became your friend. I enjoyed hearing you fondly speaking of your family, you were so proud of Alex. I was so fortunate to have known you. You were so brave to the end. Love to David, Alex and your family. Athena ❤️

丽 卿 -

玲姐姐,你是个了不起的人。你自信美丽,心地善良。我们会永远记住你的, 但愿你一路走好 。在我们看不见你的空间里, 你要好好照顾自己。May you rest in peace eternally. Love you.

戴彩云 -

我菩萨心肠的好姐姐,好医生Cleo, 您不知疲倦地为社群奉献,用毕生的精力救死扶伤,扶持弱势群体。多少人的疾苦因您得以消除,多少家庭因您而有了希望,多少小生命因您而有机会萌芽和发展。您功德无量。语言无法表达我对您的敬爱,感恩和思念。

Mimm sperandio -

Dear Cleo,I was so lucky to have you as my doctor always there to help in anyway you could you always went above and beyond to help everyone that walked into your room. Thankyou so much for your friendship that beautiful smile will not be Mimm & Family. Condolences to all the family .

Sophie Nesci -

Thank you for your incredible strength and spirit dearest Cleo. You will be missed by so many. May you rest in peace and in the knowledge you touched so many lives. Personally I will miss your incredible bravery and open heartedness in this part of your journey. Our hearts go out to David, Alex and all the family.

Ung Lai -

Cleo is such inspiration she will be dearly missed. Our deepest condolences! Ung, Geert and Nick

Kathy Hauser -

Cleo you have been such a beautiful shining light to so many people. I never will forget your smile, enthusiasm for life and big hugs. All our love to David, Alex and all Cleo’s family from the Nicholls family.

Ash and Hanh -

Cleo, we dearly miss you. We remember your radiant, joyful and exuberant personality. You have touched so many lives, including ours. We will always remember your words of wisdom and the many life lessons you have taught us. You have helped us in countless ways. We love you and you will always have a special place in our hearts. Ash and Hanh

Bee Lan -

In loving memory of Cleo - determined, spirited, talented, kind and always passionate about life. It feels like it was just ‘yesterday’ we were housemates at uni. I am still processing the fact that you are no longer with us. So glad that we could reconnect after such a long time. You will be dearly missed.

Rita Bicci -

Such a beautiful Soul Cleo...that you wanted to volunteer your time to help some of the mums, parents I work with at a time when you were faced with devastating news of your health is just one of the multitude of qualities that was special about you and remains with me. The other, the generosity of spirit to share some of your precious time, David, Alex, family, friends, Elmer, kindness, vulnerability with me. Forever in my heart, mind... I love you and miss you as my doctor and friend...such a gift, privilege, gem of a human/e being - gone way too soon for us all and before your wanting to get to the end of the year to see your dear Alex graduate Year didn't want to create any more suffering for anyone...especially your dear Mum...Cleo...' a thousand Angels sing thee to thy rest'...and they will... and more...✨️

Roger & Lin -

We are deeply saddened to hear about the death of Cleo. We cannot imagine how difficult this must be for both David and Alex. Please know that we care about you both even though we are so distant in geographical miles. A Mi To Fo!