In Memory Of

Amal Youssef

Adored wife of Emil.

Perfect mother to Rose,
Laura-Lee, Mandy and Emilia.

Loving Teta to Danielle, Grace,
Emil, Riri, Joe and Amal.

Loving mother-in-law of
Kevin, Bill, Sam and Dimitris.

Dearest Mum, we are eternally
heart-broken, our lives will never
be the same without you.

Now with God.

Message Board

Loreta & Magdi Youssef -

Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs. We are so sorry for your loss

Hanaa Frias -

“May You Rest in Peace.”

Magdi Youssef -

Uncle Emil - There is no words to fix the hurt you feel but it is important to know Aunt Amal is with the Lord. You will reunite again. I am very fortunate I was able to meet and spend time with her many years ago. We are praying for you and love you very much! To my cousins - We love you and are praying for the strength to make it through this tough time. From our family to yours, we are sending all our love and prayers. Love, Magdi, Sara, Maya, Isaac, Tessa

Paul and Grace Crosby -

I am Magdi and Loreta Youssef’s sister, Grace Crosby. My husband, Paul and I, met Amal many years ago at my parents’ home in New Jersey. She and Emil, were so very nice. I only remember laughter and happiness during the time we spent together. We send our deepest condolences to Emil and his family. With much sympathy, Paul and Grace Crosby

Jacob frias -

My deepest condolences to the Youssef family .. may she Rest In Peace ???

Hakim Youssef -

I remember my first trip to Australia to visit you Taunte Amal, Uncle Emil and the girls. I remember playing outside and I hurt my knee. You brought me in, helped me and took care of the wound. I was scared but you comforted me. You always had a warm and kind heart. You were very special and loved by many. Even though I only saw you a few times, I will never forget you. Love you Taunte Amal.

To my beautiful,adored sister Amal.I loved growing up with you and sharing our childhood. You will always be in my heart. Love as always Wadih❤ -

Our memories of the happy family moments we shared when we were young have and always been with us .sharing fun moments with you and the laughter shared and doing our nails with our cousins are memorable. Love Olivia and Renee I've known you Amal for 38 years and admired your loyality,love and compassion for your family .You gave them strength, determination to make themselves the women they are today .I know how proud you were of them. ..forever in our thoughts and heart .❤❤❤Jennifer.

Dalale Raphael -

My dearest sister Amal Always loved And never forgotten Rest in peace . Love Dalale

Wafaa Youssef -

May our Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on Amal’s soul and help her Rest In Peace. My prayers and loving thoughts with you always

Luke and Pamela -

Our deepest condolences for your loss. Sending our love and prayers to our cousins and Uncle Emil. Aunty Amal will be dearly missed by us all. May she Rest In Eternal Peace.??? Love always

Sasha -

To my beautiful auntie Amal. We will miss you so very much, your beautiful smile and heart. We can’t believe you are gone. We will never forget you. You will always be in our hearts forever and the memories we shared will never be forgotten. Love you always Sasha