In Memory Of

Pauline Marie Curtis


Pauline Marie Curtis (Kell)

17.4.1944 – 9.1.21
Aged 76
Adelaide, South Australia

Beloved Mother of Penelope, Mother-in-law of Mark and much loved “Neenie”, Grandma of Jett.

Much loved Daughter of the late Paul & Lee Kell.

Adored Sister of Micheal and Sister-in-law of Ingrid Kell.

Loving Aunt of Gemma, Travis and Families in (Western Australia).

Forever in our Hearts.

Due to the current Covid-19 Restrictions, a private funeral and wake with attendees will be held. If you are not a confirmed attendee, please feel free to leave a message of condolence here. Thank you for your respect and understanding.

Special thanks to the team at the Royal Adelaide Hospital Medical Oncology Clinic for giving us Pauline for an extra three years!

Message Board

Anna Cosentino -

Beautiful Pauline- the most wonderful neighbour to our dad, Ted, who recognised her as his “best friend “. Pauline, your shining spirit, kindness, generosity, compassion - and above all your smile - will forever be remembered by the Krupka family. Thank you so much for your care and thoughtfulness. You are an inspiration to us all. Anna (Krupka) Cosentino

Margaret Long -

Dear Pauline, I will miss you so much. We have shared many memories good and bad over our 41 year friendship. Children, dinner parties , (many stories there), our love of movies , nice wine, good food etc etc etc. Rest In Peace my dear friend. Love you . Margaret XX????‍♂️?

Ross and Vicky Leighton -

Loving memories of a lifelong friend. We will miss you in so many ways - when we smell the roses, every time we see a chook! and a possum but especially the 'ness' words - thoughtfulness, kindness, cheerfulness. You certainly "Did It Your Way" Pauline. We won't forget!

Jacqueline Bailey -

Dear Pauline. I was so hoping to see you again. My thoughts were with you constantly. I remember how after school we would often stand on the corner of my street, talking non-stop. Your honesty and authenticity were never failing. Likewise your positivity. Loving memories.

pam moore -

It is rare to meet a person who has no agenda.. ulterior motive or self interest… who is always supportive, caring.. real….. who will share everything and seek nothing in return… such a friend is a gift…. Is Pauline

Dionne Leighton-Harris -

Dear AP We've been connected for just over 50 years! You got a special 26th birthday present... me being born the following day and you becoming my Godmother! We've kept in contact during your time around the country, Mt Isa and Adelaide and I have spent many a brief airport stopover or special trip to SA to catch up as you have done for me in Perth. It was hard having to make the decision not to visit during Covid, and we all so wished that you had been able to visit us as scheduled in early December. Sadly we had our last communication 12/12/20 where I managed to give you a speedy snapshot of what's been happening this end and a photo of the family which you loved. How quick the end came and surprised us all. I can't believe the planned catch up or even last call never happened but know that you would much prefer us to be happy and getting along with everything we need than to sit around and be miserable. I'm so glad you enjoyed your work so much that it kept you busy and that your colleagues loved your energy and dedication. I'm glad that the possums had someone to care for them and that they gave you something to love in return. I'm glad that I got to have a loving, thoughtful and funny Godmother in you. I'll miss not getting my annual birthday and Christmas cards and I'll be looking forward to when we will meet again. xx Dionne

Joan Hutchinson -

My memories are of a bright fun loving person who enlivened your day with her good humour and attitude to life. Rest In Peace Paul you have left a footprint hard to fill. My condolences to Penny and family Joan Joan

Ingrid Kell -

Darling Paul, how I would dearly love to hear once again your often spoken words "Ingrid, we are more like sisters than sisters in law". Our closeness transitioned the miles that separated us. You were a special, much-loved and irreplaceable person in my life. You were a joy to everyone who had the good fortune to have known you. Your courage and strength was an inspiration. Life changes radically, but memories don't and for that I will be eternally grateful. The memories we made together, the laughter and the tears, the triumphs and sorrows are also very special because you were in my life. You will have a very special place in my heart forever. I miss you every single day. Your "sister", Ingrid xx

Travis Kell -

My beautiful AP, December 27, 2020 - what a memorable and amazing evening we shared together! Our 41 year relationship as aunt and nephew encapsulated over a wonderful dinner, followed by two magnificent days of chatter, laughter and drambuie! I will cherish every hour of my 3 day trip for the rest of my days. Your positivity despite adversity was second to none. Your contagious laugh and vibrant energy that exuded you will put a smile on my face for the rest of my days. So go in peace with the car air conditioner offering you comfort and blowing your beautiful blazing red hair. If I can exhibit half of the amazing qualities that you demonstrated all of your life, I will have done well. Your doting and loving nephew, Trav (Mandy, Georgia and Sienna).

Coralie Smith -

Pauline, I will miss you my dear friend. We enjoyed good times together in our working life and our retirement. I have fond memories of our lunches at our favourite watering hole and of the times we spent at Virginia Garden Centre buying numerous plants and then trying to fit them into the car. I will miss the laughter we shared and the good times we had but most of all your companionship and friendship. You will always be in my thoughts and I will remember your cheerful nature, positive attitude, loving kindness, generosity and independence. Love Coralie

Michael Kell -

Dearest Pauline, A brother could not have asked for a better sister. Your memory will live in my heart forever. You lit up every room you ever entered and you brought a smile to the face of everyone you ever encountered. You were beautiful, poised, warm, genuine and more than anything else, you were a helluva lot of fun to be with. Pauline, you were an amazing big sister. Thank you for loving me and always making me feel special. You left me with a beautiful gift - your positive attitude, your passion for life and your unconditional love. You ran the race and you finished it well. Love Michael.

Val -

To my best true friend I shall miss you terribly. You were carrying and generous with your love to everyone. You suffered silently to stay with us as long as possible, till taken early by the cancer. You gave yourself to the experimental drugs to help others, as well as adding time to your life. PAGES will not be enough to express how great you were, BUT those here will know. Me and my family will miss you greatly. All the best to those left now. Val Brown and children.

Antonia Chambers -

They say a life lived in fear is a life half lived. Pauline was probably the most fearless person I have ever known. It seemed in all aspects of her life she would tackle the problem head on with a positive attitude. Even in the final stages of her life, her tremendous capacity for joy was unparalleled. A kind, loving and generous soul, she will be greatly missed by all who knew her. X

Rosemary Ryan and Jim Hooper -

In memory of a great entertainer, creator of fine dining and a lilting laugh. Always seemed to be smiling. Memories are forever.

Kristina Nilsson -

Happy memories of Mt Isa days. Sincere sympathies to all the family from the Nilsson family.

Anna and Dena Livaditis -

To Our Beautiful Friend Pauline, Our years of friendship will always be treasured and the memories of the many happy times we shared. A wonderful woman whose courage, strength and determination to enjoy life to the fullest has inspired us all. You will be truly missed. Lovingly remembered by Dena and Anna Livaditis

Hazel Isaacs -

One person can make a DIFFERENCE and everyone should try. John F. Kennedy Paulinee, you made a difference every day of your life. Love Hazel xx

Pauline Iles -

My dear friend of sixty-plus years. Pauline your fun loving nature, gifted and optimistic personality enriched the lives of all who had the privilege of knowing you. Your darling Penny will be loved and kept close by her Western Australian Family and God Mother. "Sweet Dreams" Pauline.

Shannon Francis -

My dearest Aunty Paul, ( as I fondly called you). The world has certainly lost a brightness, but we and many have been so much richer to know you and share your love and your effervescence. How you viewed the world was remarkable and admirable You have been an inspiration and whenever I had doubts and questions your advice would always make me realise I had little to be concerned of and life would find a path. Either way all would be ok. I have many lovely memories of you, your visits to WA and in Adelaide. We were always excited to see you! Several funny moments stick in my mind, but one in particular was when we kids and attended your friend's house and your old car ( i can't remember what) broke down. Lin had to tow us and you accidentally kept driving over the tow rope when we slowed and we would be jolted back n forth! We were laughing , but it was no laughing matter and Lin was not impressed by your inability to stop properly! I'm glad my children got to meet you and, that you came to my wedding, you were always charmed and thought the world of Alan, and the sentiments were mutual. I'm so happy you are at peace and without pain and suffering. Penny is an amazing, capable and gorgeous woman. God Bless, missing you. But heaven needed an Angel. Xxoo ?

Jaya Manning -

Dearest Neeni. I’ve just read through your tributes and I’m a little more sad, but a little more honoured to have known you. There are some people who nestled right into a place in your heart and for me you are one. I’m thankful to you for so many reasons. Your extraordinarily genuine, warm, loving and generous nature. Your pushy insistence when being generous and refusing to take no for an answer ? Your heartfelt cards, which are so rare these days, but so meaningful. Words of love from your heart which is felt when reading them - I will keep them and cherish them. I’m thankful that you, Pen, mum and I had our special lunch, ate like posh people and drank sparkling wine which was always easy for us to do together. I’ll remember the birthdays and Christmas festivities, concerts and other intimate moments and hold the memories close. But mostly, Ill be forever thankful to you for loving my son Jett as your own. You have made an everlasting impact and imprint on his life and there is some Neeni inside him forever now. He loves you like a grandmother and always has. I’m so glad the two of you had such special times together. You adored him, nurtured him, made time for him. Thank you. Lots of love always.

Neal McClure -

Our dearest friend Pauline, Your unprompted smile, infectious laugh, unwavering positivity and your ability to only see good in the world, will all be missed. I’m sure she would want us all to endeavour to emulate these strengths, in her memory. You did not deserve this premature twist of fate. Our lives will forever be enriched, from being in your presence. With much love, Neal.

Drs Mark & Beth Miller -

Our association with Pauline was through her work at the RACGP where she coordinated the ability for Rural GP's to gain access to funding to enhance and maintain their skills. She was always cheerful and worked very hard to ensure doctors had completed their requirements and utilised as much of the funding as was allocated. She also used to help out at faculty events when new GP's were preparing for their major assessment exams and attended many faculty dinners always proud of the achievements of our new cohort of Fellows. It is through this association that our paths crossed on a regular basis. She was always happy encouraging and gentle in her approach and it was not surprising to hear at her eulogy that she was also a masterful chicken whisperer (who we all know are such sensitive judges of character). To her family and friends our condolences. "God dwells in the hearts of the gentle."

Jacqui Way -

Loveliest Trog, I wish I had been able to see your bright shining face one last time. Thank you for you positivity and light, always thinking of the best in people and making us laugh. A truly inspirational woman. Lots of love, Jacqui